Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sky energy: Multi-Faceted We resources must use!

For centuries, "sky energy" has fascinated mankind. The Sun, stars, Moon and wind have their own energy and all are in heaven, or appear to be as in the case of wind. Some civilizations have or even worshipped the Sun, stars and patterns they see in the sky. These patterns have helped men learn to navigate their way through vast unknown without losing your address! Isn't surprise you who have received special attention and admiration to the effort to understand and take advantage of this "energy from heaven".

In the old Egypt the power of the Sun was worshipped in the form of worship due to the power that seems to have a period known as the "Kingdom of the new" on crops and other básicos.Durante products

1364 - 1347 BC.El Sun was basically considered throughout the universe, illuminating the living and the dead.

Leverage the brightness of the Sun has given birth to the solar energy industry by changing the brightness on an electric charge and use this form of "sky energy" to run multiple machines, obtained
from a combination of solar panels, batteries and investors. All these forms of "sky energy" are renewable.Renewable energy is the way to follow in the future, while we try to reproduced from fossil fuels.

Another type of radiant energy "sky energy" is known as 'radiant energy'. This involves the exclusion radiant heat energy from the Sun is captured, stored and transmitted using "recipients of radiant energy and generators". Nikola Tesla is credited as the "father of radiant energy".Other experiments and inventions had to do with a generator of energy for the re-use of our alrededor.Mucha evidence available environmental energy absorption pointing to the Unipolar Dynamo in the form of turbine as first Tesla design for a machine which you can follow to produce electricity from being totally disconnected from the power supplies from abroad.

On our Web site, sky energy we strive to provide multiple sources of up-to-date information and products to make use of in search of its staff to the renewable energies.
Wind is another form of this "energy from heaven".Most apparent out of the sky in storms, molecular action of the atmosphere in the heating and cooling, then again to movement of molecules and this proposal is that we know as the wind.Wind turbines have a long history of helping this form of "energy from the sky", harvest, by what once more renewable energy resources complete cycle!

Many and varied forms of "energy from the sky", have much that offer the humanidad.estas forms of energy are available in all parts of the planet and low-cost products / high efficiency have innumerable possibilities in the third world, where there is a deployment very limited for conventional power to the masses.

"To read this, millions of people around the world are in need a source of fuel for cooking their alimentos.Millones people desperate living in households that do not have electric light, much fewer devices to improve the quality of life of all those countless ways that in developed countries, we sentado.Hay many parts of our world that receive less than 4 kW hours of sunshine per square metre per día.Esta energy could be used for, say, a chicken in the oven or boil a guiso.Incluso, you could feed the greater part of his house, except for heating and air conditioning!"
"Sky energy" must be used for the benefit of all!

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Tags: Admiration, environmental energy, former Egypt, civilizations, Dynamo, electric, charge points test, Botany, energy heat, own energy, energy from the Sun, sources of power, radiant energy, renewable energy, energy, sky solar energy, solar panels, Sun Star, Tesla, worship The Sun, Worshipped industry

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